Synchronise data from China's special "Golden Tax" VAT invoice printing system to achieve better control over your transaction data.
Our Golden Tax Connector for NetSuite allows NetSuite users to manage VAT Invoices generated by China's "Golden Tax" VAT printing system more systematically and effectively. Our integration solution supports 2-way synchronisation between the Golden Tax System and NetSuite, allowing users to write back required VAT invoice information automatically to relevant NetSuite records. Customer and Item VAT information are maintained in NetSuite and are automatically exported to the Golden Tax system, allowing users to avoid manually updating records in Golden Tax each time a VAT Invoice is issued.
Check out our solution user interface in NetSuite
Our solution allows users to maintain Customer VAT and Item VAT information in NetSuite to avoid duplication of master data entered into the Golden Tax System
This function allows companies to reduce VAT-related data entry time costs considerably. Use mass updates to update and/or add item VAT Information for each type of items.
Our Connector allows users to generate Reconciliation Reports between NetSuite A/R and the VAT Fapiao immediately using NetSuite's Saved Search Tool
Our connector supports automatic write-back of VAT Invoice Number and Date to NetSuite after printing and supports write back configuration for multiple record fields. The connector uses a Web API that eliminates the need to import and export CSV files from NetSuite to the Golden Tax System manually.
You may need to adjust your NetSuite transaction forms or order management processes to facilitate synchronization of your Fapiao data with NetSuite. We can help you to understand the optimizations required to smoothen the integration process based on a careful audit of your system’s existing configurations.
Solution users can take advantage of technical assistance with support plans tailored specifically for Golden Tax for NetSuite and other China localization solutions.
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